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  1. Sudents Must carry their identity card in the schoolcampus.
  2. Students who come to school by their own transport should arrive the school before the bell rings.
  3. Students should be clean and neatly dressed.
  4. Maintain silence between changing of class rooms between periods.
  5. A minimum of 80% attendance shall be required from the day scholars for him to be eligible to appear in any examination in the school.
  6. Students are expected to respect the school property. No students should damage any school furniture. Do not write or draw anything on the walls.
  7. PROSPECT Do not throw any thing at any one it is strictly prohibited.
  8. No shouting or whistling is allowed in the school campus.
  9. Students who go home alone should be prompt in returning to their houses.school is not responsible for the students after the dismissal. Students who go home with Parents/guardian should never leave the premises before there arrival.
  10. As far as possible once a child has come to school should not be asked to come home on half day leave or leave from any period.
  11. Fees is to be paid 10th of every month. Tuition Fee/Conveyance fee for the month of May-June, December-Jan and Feb-March has to be paid tegether by the due date.